Sunday, May 15, 2011

Complaints (aka Whining)

Not feeling all that creative today, or sane for that matter.  This weather is not helping.  Right now I am cuddled up under a cozy blanket watching the trees dance in the rough wind and the rain slant to the shiny street.
There are so many wonderful qualities to the day.  So many things that I normally love:  a melancholy mood, sweat pants, and Vivaldi.  What is wrong with me?
I want to be in the garden today.  I want to have the warm sun on my face, I want the cool earth in my hands and the soft grass at my toes.  I want to be reveling in the beauty of spring.  I want to play badminton with Pat, catch with Carrie, and chase Noelle and Leah around looking at bugs and tree bark and flowers.  I want to cook out, make tomato salad, drink lemonade.
I don't want to get out coats.  I don't want to be wet and cold.  I don't want to catch up on work.
Pat just walked in with seeds for watermelon, much to the delight of Ms Cocopugs.  She is dancing and giggling about watermelons as big as her head.  Ok.  I can do this today.
Hope Abides.

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