Sunday, February 20, 2011

All work?

Today is SUNDAY!  And it's almost time for me to go to bed-  tomorrow will come early, and with it, work.
But first, my day of resting and contemplation and renewal began with a quiet cup of tea and conversation with the husband.  The kids played and we read the paper online, cleaned the kitchen and chatted-  then he fell asleep on the couch.  
I made headway on Comfort Food by Kate something or other while sitting on the couch in my pajamas.  The kids played.  The baby napped.  The husband continued to nap.
Babykins woke up, and played with the big girls until tomato soup and BLT's were ready, bacon was the alarm that finally woke sleeping beauty, and he joined us for lunch.
He headed out for the perfunctory weekend trip to Menards with the littlest ones in tow.  The big girl was mine.  She had a date with a large pile of laundry.  She sorted, she carried down baskets, she loaded, unloaded, did detergent, set the timer, cleaned the filter, folded and put away.  Mostly.  I had a practice date with the piano and the liturgy.  I did help with the laundry a little, and we do have one more load to get done tomorrow.  Then she helped me get dinner in the crockpot so we'd have dinner when we got home from church.
Then showers and cleanup, off to All Saint's Lutheran for a wonderful service and Sunday School, and home again to ride bikes outside, eat roast beef, and finish my book.  I even slid in the final of Worst Cooks in America.   Ahhhhhh.....Love Sundays.
But tomorrow I have to catch up around here.  The big girls laundry is done, but I need to finish up the little girls, mine, and the linens.  I have a loose schedule that I follow-  flexibility is key- but I have been neglecting my self imposed work load and it shows in how well things run.  I must get back on track.
In the meantime, I have another 45 minutes until I fall asleep.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Flexibility is a gift!