Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Facebook Frenzy

I am not an addictive person. I drink in moderation, I quit smoking one day just because I needed to, and I can stop eating after 2 cookies.
I deactivated my facebook account. I was being careless with the people I was letting on and in. This is hard to admit, I was truly enjoying all the attention and details about other people I was gleaning. I was happy to let people in, talk to folks I never thought I would talk to again, and I was completely letting everything else be neglected. I friended everyone, and I was checking my email 7 or 8 times a day- which is a lot for me!
I figure this is a week for turkey, so I just quit cold turkey.
No More.
Those who are truly my friends will seek me out, they will find me, or be content to know I am well, even off of facebook.
I need to be a private person. I need to keep my thoughts contained in my head, or on this blog read by all 3 of you.

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