Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Innie or Outie?

Ok, Myers-Briggs is at it again...

I took the personality test about 6 years ago when my life was vastly different, no music save for the rock band in a bar and personal drama. No children, the spouse and I were buddies but not as close as we are now, and I had a corporate type career.
I scored as an ENFJ back then. I scored E/I NFJ yesterday, I was tied for Extrovert and Introvert. The book said to do some self examination and decide which fits you best. CRAP!!

  • First, I can't believe I scored that close, even though my personality hasn't really changed, I just acknowledge it more in how I chose to live, which is very freeing.
  • Second, I am a bit apathetic about being either an introvert or extrovert, I don't like the extremes of either one.
  • Finally, I do carry on an internal war in which they battle over how to handle certain situations. Right now the introvert who doesn't want to be exposed at my upcoming recital as a hack musician is fighting the extrovert who CRAVES to be noticed as a good musician.

By the way, the introvert is winning by using such tactics as avoidance: If I write a brilliant blog, I won't have to practice, and then I won't be ready. Score!
But the extrovert says: Janie, turn on your Ipod- listen while you work, enjoy the music, sing out loud - you will learn and love, then you can be comfortable with the music- Don't fight it, baby!

Someone once accurately described me as capricious. I had to look it up, but by God, he was right. One can see why I am a mess, albeit an adorable one.


Christina said...

capricious---yes that does describe you, but not fully.

it is odd to me that you would doubt your singing abilities (or be insecure). to me that seems like the one thing in your life that you should have absolute confidence about.

that is why I get so unsettled when I feel like I am making parenting mistakes--being a mom was the only thing I ever really wanted in life and I was absolutely sure I would love it and excel at it. when I feel like I am falling down, it is devasting to me.

but back to you...you are a complicated girl my friend. I think that is a source of frustration for you, it's hard that people you love don't fully "get" you. I feel the same pangs in my life (maybe this is partially what draws us together).

megs @ whadusay said...

Brilliant, just brilliant!

You make me laugh - in a good way. Not like I'm laughing at you, because regardless of what kind of personality Myers Briggs says you are - I like your personality a lot! :)