Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mama Time

Right now I am sitting at my kitchen table eating dinner at the very chic and fashionable hour of 9PM.  I taught lessons today until 8, came home, kissed the big girls goodnight, nursed the baby, sent my husband outside to have a beer with the neighbor, and made my dinner.  
There were 3 roasted chicken breasts on the counter and some sticky mini raviolis in the strainer on the stove.  I looked in the fridge for some sauce, but it had mold on the lid, so it was a no go.  
Logically, I sauteed the ravs in olive oil until they were crisp, added a diced tomato and some basil and oregano, a touch of salt and pepper, and melted mozerella on top.  
I sliced off a portion of the chicken and VIOLA!  Supper!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my food!

My long day started at 5AM with the middle girl shouting about her bad dweam.  (her pillow was chomping at her)  Her loud voice wakened the baby who was hungry.  So I comforted and nursed, they both went back to sleep for an hour.  I got up.
7:10 Breakfast (this is late!)
AM spelling session & homework
2 girls to drop off at school, with a different schedule than usual
nurse and put down ze beebo for a nap
start on 6 loads of laundry
clean basement, scrub bathrooms, fold laundry
wake baby, pick up preschooler
make lunch for kids, clean kitchen, mop floor
teach piano & voice lesson at home, with no baby nap
finish folding and putting away laundry
let Bell and Cocopugs play in rooms while I eat my lunch
pick up CB from school
nurse baby, put her down for a nap
review school papers, mail, check email 
go to teach at 4.  

Days like today go fast, but it's hard to relax in the evening.  
I think it's time to open the wine.   

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