Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My child continues to get up in the night an come to my bed. I send her gently and firmly back to her bed, where she cries that she is lonely. I tend to not be able to fall asleep after such episodes, and end up getting up. This morning it was 3:30, so I came downstairs, finished my recital notes, started the MOPS newsletter, answered email and paid bills all before 5 AM.
I just woke up from a 2 hour nap.
This is not the ideal way to spend my life. I am a person who must have 8-9 hours of sleep a night. I don't know how Martha Stewart and other super productive people can get by with 4-5 hours. Today is my only full day off and I had planned on doing so many things that did not involve a 2 hour nap.
But the refreshment of waking up in my bed with the western window letting the sun stream on my face was delicious. I couldn't get up. So my 2 hour nap turned into another hour of lollygagging.

1 comment:

megs @ whadusay said...

Last week I had a similar experience. All three boys were sleeping (very unusual). I did my devotion and couldn't resist laying in my bed for a few minutes, with the sun streaming in... it was wonderful!