Monday, October 18, 2010

Back to Vocation

Good Morning my favorite 4 people who read my blog!
This weekend I was honored to speak at the Time to Rise conference. It was a good experience and one I would do again.  I learned a few things during this whole process:

  • God is faithful.  Even though I was woefully underprepared with my actual speech, I think the point of 'Your vocation as a musician is important' got across despite me and my own self issues.  
  • Christ's body is a very unique and diverse place, and I loved being exposed to the raw emotion of dancing people, grandmas on their knees worshiping, people falling prostrate to the cross, and other hallmarks of Evangelical/ Pentecostal worship.  On one hand, I was a little overwhelmed and freaked out by it, but on the other hand, it was beautiful expressions of love for God.  I was moved by it.  Remind me next time to wear waterproof mascara because I can't sing 'Mighty to Save' without it.  
  • While I was talking about vocation, (literally during the first session) I realized that I am so fortunate to have 2 vocations that are deeply and totally God driven.  I was talking about liturgical worship and in my head realized that living the liturgy on a daily basis actually encompasses both the mothering vocation and the musician vocation.  I am going to really focus on how to do this on a daily basis using Luther's Small Catechism.   Elizabeth Foss does this beautifully (in the Catholic way) on her blog, In the Heart of my Home.
  • I made a playlist on my i-Pod for the listening portion of my talk.  I never got to play any of it due to some logistical shuffling at the last minute.  But I am listening to that playlist right now and IT IS GOOD.  It start with Bach and includes a wide swath of music briefly exposing the heritage of the church. 
  • I learned a beautiful thing from Laura Story during her songwriting session.  She is the worship leader at a church for her 'real' job.  She writes specifically for the church she works at.  She feels called to interpret for the specific body of Christ she works for.  I love that idea because it reiterates the hand of God putting her vocation to work in a direct and meaningful way for Him through her.  I love a good paradigm shift.   
I really enjoyed the sessions, I enjoyed teaching, and I enjoyed meeting new people and reconnecting with my friend Sarah.  I loved singing and being a part of a great worshiping crowd.  I can't wait to start working again in my home and getting back to vocation #1.


Holly said...

Praising God both for your gifts, and for your willingness to develop and use them for His glory :) and also, just loving you . . .

Unknown said...

yes! person number 5 chiming in. :) good to see you both last night.