Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ahhh New

It's only been about 5 months since I wrote here on my blog.  A long five months of recitals, summer, school starting.  In this short amount of time the following has happened:
Ze Beebo is a toddler

First grade sounds scary...

The middle Cocopugs Child emerges
I left my job to gain more time at home, to explore new directions, and to obey.  There are new projects coming to fruition, new joys to report, and some of the same old same old I've dealt with for a long time.  But nothing is new, and everything is new.  That's the intimacy and intricacy of God.
Welcome back!  


megs @ whadusay said...

Okay, I'm really curious about the new things... do you mind sharing details. :)

Janie S. said...

Hey Megan! I would love to get together and catch up sometime- maybe lunch at the park with the kiddos?
I started to type the stuff that's going on, but I think I'll just post a more complete blog. :p!
Thanks (in advance) for the next post!!

megs @ whadusay said...

You are so welcome!
I'd love to get together!!!

my e-mail is megsk21 at gmail dot come, what are some dates that work for you?