Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mulling Christmas & Spiced Cider

#1: We should really honestly call it Spiked Cider just to be accurate.
#2: Can you imagine the fun Mary and her cousin Elizabeth had when they were both prego AND Zachariah couldn't talk? (Zach honey? Can Mary stay for another month? What's that? I can't hear you?!?!) Further proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. That story cracks me up!
#3: We have a tree. I purchased it with CB. It was NOT the Norman Rockwell family gathered contemplating the perfect specimen, It was me and her. We were cold. She was enamoured with the flocked trees, I was happy that Ed tied the tree to the car. We did not go for flocking. We went with De-Flocked.
#4: I will be buying an artificial tree for next year.
#5: Pat is cleaning. WOO HOO!!
#6: Pan fried breaded pork chops with Dijon mustard sauce, mashed potatoes and brownies for supper. Maybe more cider.
#6: continued... Does anyone want to come make this for me?


Anonymous said...

Hello! Okay, so we def need to hang out sometime over Christmas break (I wish sooner, but finals are killing me right now). Sorry that was such a strange comment. But, it's true. When was the last time we talked? Okay, well I'm going to go study some more. See you later! CBC

megs @ whadusay said...

no, but I'll let you come and make that for my dinner!

Holly said...

What exactly is in that cider? :)