Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I love to read. I love to read to myself, I love to read out loud, and I especially love children's books.
On my sidebar I have listed the books my children love best, and there are exclusions mainly because I am too lazy to go check authors and complete titles. But I will add those in the near future.
I read to the kids at least once a day, sometimes just one book, and sometimes a whole stack and it takes an hour or two to finish them. Yes, my children do sit on my lap and listen, especially before naptime.
I read at the expense of the house being cleaned, laundry being folded, and floors being vacuumed.
Cocopugs and I went to the library yesterday, a rare treat without big sister along. We played puzzles for a LONG time, went to the discovery room and played with more puzzles, then went searching for our latest stash to take home. I discovered Barbara McClintock's book Dahlia and her illustrated version of A Little Princess. I love her illustrations, and her stories are really nice. Mom had given the book Simon & Adele, also by McClintock, at a birthday, and we look at that book for a long time trying to find all of Simon's lost things.
We also love Judy Schachner's little anti-hero Skippyjon Jones. He is ALWAYS in trouble, but also very imaginative and funny. It is from the first book we swiped the name Cocopugs for our little one. And the name fits. She is silly and serious all in a very Skippyjon Jones way.
Sometimes I tell the kids "No Reading, now"- or "We've read that one already today, get another one!" Or "Mommy is reading quietly, GO PLAY!!" On just one of those occasions, I happened to notice things had gotten a bit quiet back in the bedrooms, so I snuck up to the door, peeked in and THERE was the big one reading to the little one from the pictures. My heart swelled with pride and joy at this cute little scene. I did not look either of them directly in the eyes, I just backed out very slowly and moved quietly back to the couch where I read in peace for at least another two minutes... AHHH Bliss.


megs @ whadusay said...

Just found your blog!

I heart this post!!!!

Holly said...

There's always time to read! and no one better to read with than the child on your lap! I'm so glad you read to the girls!